Suggestions for Families: Supporting Learning at Home
14 April 2020
Dear First Nations Schools, Education Coordinators, and Parents Club Coordinators,
The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and First Nations Schools Association (FNSA) appreciate that, during the suspension of classes, the role of families in their children’s education is going to be especially critical.
With that in mind, FNESC and FNSA have prepared the resource, Suggestions for Families: Supporting Learning at Home (pdf | docx) to share ideas intended to help families provide learning opportunities for their children. Families are encouraged to use and adapt these suggestions as they see fit. We also hope that families and schools will work together to identify how at-home contributions can complement the continued learning already taking place.
We would greatly appreciate your assistance in making this resource available to families and Parents Club members. As always we welcome your feedback.
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