BCTEA BC First Nations Education Funding Handbook (2024-2025) and BCTEA Funding Estimator Tool

As established in the BC Tripartite Education Agreement (BCTEA), funding for First Nations schools is based on the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care’s funding model for public schools with certain adaptations. These adaptations are made to reflect the unique circumstances of First Nations.
FNESC is pleased to provide the BCTEA Funding Handbook and the BCTEA Funding Estimator as resources for First Nations and First Nations schools.
BCTEA Funding Handbook
The BCTEA Funding Handbook explains Indigenous Services Canada’s British Columbia Tripartite Education Agreement (BCTEA) Funding Detail Budget Report Table that is sent to First Nations each year. That table shows the components of the BCTEA funding calculations for First Nations schools in BC.
The BCTEA funding formula is related to federally-funded students who are included on ISC’s annual Nominal Roll. Students who are funded through the reciprocal tuition agreement with the BC Ministry of Education are not included in the BCTEA funding calculations and are not addressed in this Funding Handbook.
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- Introduction
- Overview of BCTEA Funding for BC First Nations Schools
- Budgeting and Financial Management
- What is New?
- Important reminders
- Table 1: Comparison of the OGM And BCTEA Funding Formula Components
- BCTEA Funding Detail Budget Report Table 2024/25
- First Nation School Funding Administered by FNESC
- APPENDIX I: ISC BCTEA Funding Detail Budget Report Table
- APPENDIX II: ISC list of First Nations and associated School Districts (A-Z)
- APPENDIX III: Definitions of 2023/24 Non-OGM funding
BCTEA Funding Estimator
The purpose of the BCTEA Funding Estimator is to assist First Nations education staff to forecast their school funding, based on projected enrolments. The BCTEA Funding Estimator is a Microsoft Excel-based tool. We encourage First Nations schools to use the Estimator Tool as part of their budgeting and planning. Ultimately, ISC will apply the BCTEA funding formula to First Nations schools based on actual enrolments.
To access the BCTEA Funding Estimator, please e-mail Min Kim, Data and Funding Analyst at mink@fnesc.ca, with the subject heading “BCTEA Funding Estimator”.
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