Suggestions for Continuous Learning (Phase 1)
27 March 2020
We hope that you are all keeping well and safe in this challenging time.
We know that many First Nations and First Nations schools are busy making plans to support continued learning opportunities for students while classes are suspended. FNESC and FNSA fully respect the authority of each First Nation to make decisions about the continued operations of their schools and staff during this time. We also recognize that community and school representatives best understand local needs and circumstances.
In order to assist you in carrying out this work, we have prepared Suggestions for Continuous Learning, Edition 1 (pdf | docx) and the related Continuous Learning webpages that share some suggestions for engaging and easy to implement remote learning activities that require resources that families ideally have in their homes. We have also tried to identify learning opportunities for students and families who have varying access to the internet and online options.
We will be updating this resource over time and First Nations schools and communities are invited to send feedback and activity ideas for possible inclusion. FNESC staff are also available to support you in exploring continued learning opportunities further.
We wish you all the best and we welcome your feedback on this new resource.