The First Nations Parents Club (FNPC) was established to recognize and support the important role that parents play in their children’s education.

For simplicity, the club uses the term “parents,” but the Club intends the term to be inclusive of grandparents, family members, and other caregivers who contribute to the lives of First Nations children.

Parents Clubs can be structured according to local needs. Most Clubs are informal; they often involve regular opportunities for members to share their support and ideas. Some Clubs hold meetings focused on particular themes, inviting guest speakers to provide information on topics of interest. Clubs may occasionally organize field trips to places such as post-secondary institutions, or cultural centres.

The First Nations Schools Association and the First Nations Education Steering Committee jointly deliver the First Nations Parents Club.

See full details in the First Nation Parent Club (FNPC) Overview.

Registering a Club

Registering a new Club requires that you have a local person who is willing to take responsibility for registering the club, organizing meetings/activities, and being the primary contact person for the Club.

The Club Coordinator can completing the form via link – 24-25 Enrolment/Update Form

Once registered, Clubs receive a welcome package that includes start-up materials and incentive items.


Please note, grants can only be provided to parent clubs that are associated with a BC First Nation or First Nations School.

Parents Club Grants Guidelines

The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and The First Nations Schools Association (FNSA) are pleased to announce the 2024-2025 Parents Club Grant (PARNET.CLUB) Call for Proposals. This initiative is intended to provide support for First Nations Parents Club activities through providing grants of up to $6,250.

Program Resources

Consent Forms

We appreciate receiving photos and news of your Club activities, successes, and stories to use for the Parent Calendar, Newsletters, and other FNESC and FNSA publication.

The adult consent form and student consent forms must accompany all submitted photos/art/news. Please include First Names in the file name, so that photos and consent forms can be easily matched – a consent form must be submitted for each student and/or adult featured in submission.

Related Resources

Any group of First Nations parents, caregivers, and guardians who are formally affiliated with a First Nation in British Columbia can register with the First Nations Parents Club.

Related Resources

* The Parent Toolkit has been created by the First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nations Schools Association to support the importance of parental involvement in education. The current edition is a draft for Review and Feedback

* FNESC and FNSA have prepared the resource, Suggestions for Families: Supporting Learning at Home, to share ideas intended to help families provide learning opportunities for their children. Families are encouraged to adapt these suggestions as they see fit.


For questions, Club registrations and annual updates, and sharing photos and news, please contact us:
Coordinator, Parent and Community Engagement, FNESC
Toll-free at 1-877-422-3672 T: 604-925-6087 F: 604-925-6097