This funding program is to support First Nations and First Nations schools in taking a positive and pro-active approach to addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning and well-being. In response to COVID-19, specific strategies have been identified to help mitigate learning loss such as:

  • Enrichment programs, such as after-school learning activities, summer learning camps etc.
  • One-on-one tutoring programs
  • Activities to address students’ social emotional well-being.
  • Innovations in education
  • Technology support to promote hybrid learning.

The First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nation Schools Association are pleased to jointly deliver the Impacts on Student Learning and Well-being, which is supported by Indigenous Services Canada.


First Nation Bands in British Columbia will receive an allocation based on the number of eligible youth attending First Nation schools, public schools, and private/independent schools.

Program Resources


Please contact for program inquiries and support.