BC First Peoples 12 Teacher Resource Guide 2022 (Revised September 2023)

This Teacher Resource Guide is intended to support students and teachers of BC First Peoples 12. It is one in a series of teacher resources developed by the First Nations Education Steering Committee and the First Nations School Association to bring relevant and appropriate learning materials to teachers in all BC schools, including First Nations, public and independent schools.
Table of Contents
Introduction………………………………………. 4
Foundations…………………………………….. 11
Indigenous Research and Inquiry……………… 33
Theme Units
1. Here, Now…………………………………… 47
2. Story and Story Telling…………………….. 77
3. Honouring the Children…………………… 101
4. The Power of Names………………………. 133
5. Acknowledging Rights……………………. 159
6. Food, Health, and Wellness ………………. 205
7. Resources and Economies………………… 231
8. Maps and Borders…………………………. 255
9. Taking Action……………………………… 283
Glossary……………………………………… 319
Bibliography…………………………………. 325
Index…………………………………………. 347
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