First Nations Language Curriculum Building Guide (2016)

Recognizing the diversity and wealth of First Nations languages and cultures in British Columbia and their critically endangered state, this curriculum building guide is intended to assist First Nations language teachers, members of First Nations language communities, education staff in First Nations and public schools, and policy makers as they consider First Nations language and culture frameworks at the K – 12 level, as informed by existing and emerging research and approaches. In addition, it is also meant to serve as a guide for designing language and culture K – 12 curriculum that will provide practical tools for First Nations language groups, curriculum developers and teachers.
This document builds on a prior draft document developed for FNESC, The Breath of Our Ancestors (2012), parts of which are included in Appendix Four of this document.
This project also follows a series of FNESC-sponsored workshops led by Dr. Marianne Ignace in 2013. At those workshops, the topics included in this guide were presented for discussion, and the input and feedback from the workshop participants is gratefully acknowledged.
First Nations Language Curriculum Building Guide (2016) was developed for the First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nations Schools Association by Marianne Ignace, PhD.
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Pt. 1: The state of First Nations languages in BC
Pt. 2: Key concepts in language curriculum development
Pt. 3: Review of curricular frameworks
Pt. 4: Curriculum design and development for particular First Nations languages
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